Five tips to make your business more accessible

Accessibility is a significant term. It means a lot of things to different people. For us at Hop Forward, simply put, it means making your space, events, and platforms useable for as many people as possible. We asked our members some simple steps they take to make their business and brand accessible for all. Read on for quick tips and takeaways you can apply to your brewery.

#1 “One important change we made was to add a gender-neutral, accessible washroom complete with ADA-compliant grab bars.” - Village Brewing, Calgary

#2 Add rubber mats!

Blindman Brewing in Lacombe installed these handy rubber mats to make accessing the sidewalk in front of their brewery easier.

#3 Provide plenty of seating options

“Something we've done to make both our indoor and patio space more accessible is to provide a lot of different seating options. Booth and bench options, tall bar stools or space for standing at the bar or a table, and single chairs that can be removed from tables if necessary.”- Annex Ale Project, Calgary

#4 Communicate your limitations

The folks at Eighty Eight Brewing in Calgary have a two-story space. They include accessibility information in their event promotion. They note if something will be upstairs and let people provide mobility concerns or needs.

#5 Stock straws

Straw bans are pretty common in our environment-conscious culture. However, their growing absence from businesses is a barrier for many people who can’t drink without the support of a straw.

Stock straws and make them visible and easy to reach. If you’d like to deter widespread use, put up a sign letting folks know they’re available.


Fostering Community and Careers at Eighty Eight Brewing Company