Our Board
The Hop Forward Society is a volunteer-driven initiative comprised of community members as well as people with first-hand experience working within the brewing and hospitality industries. The common bond is a love for craft beer and the acknowledgement of the necessity for change and progress.
Sharon Ruyter
(She/ Her) Founder & Co-Chair
Why are you involved with Hop Forward?
I got into this work because I love craft beer and wanted to see more people who look like me enjoying taprooms and working behind the scenes in this industry. As a Black person, it frustrates me that there are spaces that continue to be inaccessible and sometimes downright hostile to people that aren't part of the dominant society. For me, this work is me saying out loud and in action that we belong here.
How can a brewery, business, or person get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
By looking around the spaces they frequent, own, or work and asking "who is missing?" Then, figure out how to include those individuals. Also, don't be afraid of making mistakes or sacrifices. There's a lot of unlearning and things you have to give up to do equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility work. It might be money, time, the beliefs you've held about yourself and others, or something else.
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
What's your favourite style of beer?
Sasion, the funkier, the better.
Erin McQuitty
(She/ Her) Founder & Co-Chair
Why are you involved with Hop Forward?
As an owner & operator of a brewery in Calgary, AB, I believe in the craft beer community. I have seen first-hand how welcoming and uplifting beer folks and this community can be. I want that to be an experience that is accessible to everyone. I believe that our community will be stronger if we make a meaningful effort to include folks from all backgrounds and communities and I want to see our industry continue to grow forward.
How can a brewery, business, or person get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
Anyone can take the first step to making a difference in our industry simply by joining Hop Forward society. After that initial step the next thing to do is to take a look at your business or yourself and reflect on what changes you can make in your day to day to ensure our industry is accessible and inclusive for all. There are so many small things businesses and individuals can do that will add up to meaningful change. Task yourself with one tangible action you can take and then commit to doing it. Finally, get out there and talk to people about what you are doing, you might just inspire the next person.
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
Favourite style of beer:
Usually, malt forward, and I have a soft spot for a Flander’s Red.
Ramsey Hedayat
(He/ Him) Finance Advisor
Why are you involved with Hop Forward?
I want to leave things better than I found them. Helping an industry I enjoy foster an environment of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) is one way I accomplish that goal.
How can a brewery, business, or person get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
Become a Hop Forward Society Member! Be willing to learn (and unlearn). Advocate for EDIA through your actions.
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
Boundless. Being a first generation Canadian, I felt excluded from many Western experiences – whether that was the reality of the situation or my perception. I want to break these real and perceived boundaries, removing deterrents and providing opportunities for those who want to engage.
What's your favourite style of beer?
A sweet, roasty stout warming me up in the dead of Calgary winter.
Omanthi Pussepitiya
(She/ Her) Community Engagement & Membership
Why are you involved with Hop Forward?
I love beer and hate bigots? But seriously, creating a diverse and safe space anywhere should be everyone's priority. When this opportunity came along I knew I had to be a part of it. I wanted to be a part of a movement that would make space for people who look like me.
How can a brewery, business, or person get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
Ignorance is no longer an acceptable answer. It's everyone's responsibility to learn and educate themselves. That doesn't mean we want arm chair empathtics! Look around the spaces you inhabit and see what needs to change. Take that learned knowledge and do something useful with it.
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
Belonging. I want everyone to feel like they are meant to be there. Each and every one of us can be someone's ally.
What's your favourite type of beer?
Warren Reyes
(He/ Him) Community Engagement & Membership
Why are you involved with Hop Forward?
I want to give back to my community. I believe representation matters and what we're currently seeing in craft beer isn't a reflection of the diversity we experience around us. There are barriers in place which need to be removed to allow access for marginalized groups of people into the industry. By inviting more diverse voices to our table, we better the conversation at the table and can begin to grow together.
How can a brewery, business, or person get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
Breweries, businesses, and people can start getting involved by making a commitment to change and prioritize EDIA (equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility). EDIA isn't a trend or a marketing strategy, it's a commitment to listen, learn, and take action. It can be uncomfortable and mistakes will be made but that is a part of the process. They can connect with groups already engaged in the work, listen to and amplify diverse voices, and most importantly, remove the barriers that prevent access for underrepresented peoples.
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
Community - we are stronger together when we care and act in the best interest of our neighbour. As we build relationships in our community, we are able to grow as a collective and can achieve so much more.
What's your favourite style of beer?
My favourite style of beer changes with the weather and what mood I'm in. My favorite type of beer is one shared with family and friends.
Lionel Migrino
(He/ Him) Accessibility Advisor
Why are you involved with Hop Foward?
I am very passionate about working towards equity, diversity, inclusivity and accessibility, and I want to make sure that the voiceless are being heard. As a Filipino-Canadian living with cerebral palsy, I know that the world is not made for people like me. Every day, we have to adapt to this ableist, sexist, racist, and homophobic world. I believe that there is so much work to be done in the brewery world. Beer is constantly marketed to bring people together, but it is always targeting white men. I love beer, I love the taste of beers, and I want to help create a safer and braver space for everyone to be themselves and embrace everyone's differences. The work is hard and takes a lot of time, but I am committed to making sure that everyone is heard.
How can a brewery, businesses and people get involved in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) work?
Anyone wanting to get involved in the space has to acknowledge that there are power imbalances in our world. They must recognize that the line of work they are engaged in is sexist, racist, ableist, homophobic, etc. If admitting those things is difficult, what is the point of doing EDIA work when there are no identified problems? Also for anyone committed to this work, they must acknowledge their privilege. People have a hard time recognizing their privileges because they do not want their accomplishments to be tainted. Privileges are not a bad thing, and everyone has them. It should not matter what privileges a person has. What matters is that how they use them!
In one word, describe what you want for the future:
Accessibility- I think we always take our experiences for granted and forget the "A" in EDIA. I believe that the future will look brighter if everyone has the opportunity to use, experience, and benefit from every system or entity in a respectful environment that is welcoming to all.
What's your favourite style of beer?
It depends on what I am feeling and my environment. I usually prefer a fruity beer in the summertime and a light beer when it is cooler. Honestly, I love beers that can make those exceptional memories!